For the true Supernatural fan, we present a pendant inspired by Sam and Dean Winchester’s constant struggle against the forces of darkness. These devils trap seals make excellent pocket charms to carry with you for safety, for protection, or as a drawing reference for those times when a small trap just won’t do. Capable of trapping any demon from the weakest to the strongest, the Devil’s Trap is a powerful force for capturing and interrogating the minions of the underworld, be it Crowley, Alastair, or Abaddon. Measuring 1.25? in diameter, and of a hefty plated antique gold construction, this pendant comes with a fine, adjustable chain to fit any neck. Whether you’re a trueborn Winchester, a hunter in training, or just looking to add a little extra protection to your daily routine, don’t leave home without your tools for hunting the supernatural.
Stay sharp and carry on my wayward hunter – we know what lurks in the dark. Best to be on your guard.
(Please allow 3-5 business days to ship it  – demons are everywhere!)
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