This intent of this short book is for it to be used as a simple and direct guide in a time of great danger.
I pray that this is merely a work of fiction.
If it is not, then I pray for you, the reader of this book.
If I am still alive when the events foretold in these pages occur, then I hope that you will find me before it is too late.
Roberta Ann Sparrow
October, 1944
Bestowing all manner of fourth dimensional powers and designed to protect and fit any manner of tablet, eReader, iPad, Kindle, Nook, or countless other devices, this Philosophy of Time Travel high-quality handmade cover will guide you through the twisty perils of the Tangent universe to return to the Primary. Inspired by the text in Donnie Darko and written by Roberta Sparrow herself (dubious authorship), this tome will guide and protect your Artifact on its journey and in its usefulness to the Living.
(Please allow 7-10 business days for the Manipulated Living to ensure the book’s proper creation and send it on its way to the Living Receiver.)
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