“When I was a girl, I dreamt of standing in a room looking at a girl who was and was not myself, who stood looking at another girl, who also was and was not myself. My mother took this for a nightmare. I saw it as the beginning of a career in physics.”
Written by the genius Rosalind Lutece, this textbook is just the thing for bludgeoning foes and protecting gadgets. Containing the esoteric formulae, dry reading, and quirky thought experiments inherent to the subject matter , this book contains the principles of quantum mechanics and the study of the forces to bring them to heel under the command of mankind. Of particular note is the Lutece Particle and the Lutece Field, creating the quantum levitation used in Rapture and Columbia.
Inspired by the BioShock Infinite book, “The Principles of Quantum Mechanics”, this custom made device cover will readily fit an Apple iPad, iPad Mini, iPad Air, Kindle, Kindle Fire, Nook, Nexus, Samsung Galaxy, or any other kind of scientific apparatus. Explore infinity today, with your trusty guide to its inner workings by your side!
(Please allow up to 2-3 weeks to call it forth into existence, and open the Tear to send it on its way)
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