“If Krombopulos Michael wants someone dead, there’s not a lot anyone can do to stop him. That’s why he does it for a living.“—Rick on Krombopulos Michae
Infamous across the galaxy as a highly trained assassin and willing to take on just about any job of any nature. Self-professed to take , Krombopulos Michael takes a certain pride in his assassination work, and doesn’t balk at killing animals, old people, or children. Never let it be said that he doesn’t love his job.
Ever a man of the cutting edge, his business card features a tracking signal and his social media information, because he’s just that unafraid of the repercussions of his work. Last spotted with notorious criminal Rick Sanchez in the purchase of an anti-matter weapon, Krombopulos Michael’s whereabouts are currently unknown, and his card tracker hasn’t updated in quite some time. But Krombopulos Michael gets the job done, is the word on the streets.
Measures 3.5 x 2″, standard business card size, and these durable laminate plastic cards are resistant to blood stains, interrogation, and waterboarding techniques. So get a leg up on your enemies, and hire Krombopulos Michael to do your dirty work today!
(Please allow 3-5 business days for handling and calibrating the portal gun for shipment.)
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