We specialize in making hardcover book replicas of legendary books from all manner of geek fandoms as cases for Kindle, iPad, eReader, tablet, and all of them are now available as handbags, purses, clutches, and satchels. If you have a special request for a custom bag book or a particular design for your unique, made to order bag, contact us with your questions and ideas!
A clutch, a purse, a handbag, whatever you want to call it, don’t leave home without a stylish geek inspired fashion accessory. Measuring approximately 8 x 10″ on the outside (or available as a smaller 6 x 8″ model), and featuring cloth handles, the cotton-lined spacious interior can carry all the necessities you’ll need on your adventures.
(Each custom bag is made to order and rates on designs may vary – please allow 8-14 business days to complete your bag. Tons of models are already available as bags – the Neverending Story, The Necronomicon, Doctor Who River Song’s Journal, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and more. Custom / special designs available by request!)
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